Our newsletter The Nexus has been transformed into nwsocialworkers.com and is now accepting articles and advertising. This site also serves as the primary information vehicle for our regional conference, The Northwest Conference on Social Work.
The site is optimized for smart phones and tablets. It is a dynamic site that is updated weekly.
Writer Guidelines
We are committed to providing the regional social work community relevant and timely resource information. We seek authors to write articles on a range of topics of interest to social workers, social work students and our allies, according to the following guidelines:
Information that is useful, relevant, and of interest to the social work community from a diverse range of practice settings. Ideas for topics might include new practice modalities, new clinical research, case studies, or how social workers might address prominent social issues. We also seek contributions related to diversity/cultural competency, advocacy and social justice, ethics and private practice.
Style Recommendations
Creative, evocative, and humorous yet thought-provoking content is appreciated. We prefer articles that provide comprehensive information in a succinct manner. This should include brief vibrant paragraphs, the avoidance of jargon and overly complicated terminology, clear and concise sentences, and when necessary bulleted or listed items. In-text citations should be used, with no more than five references. Resource lists may be included.
Article Length
Suggested article length is between 350 to 1,000 words. All articles must be submitted in a Microsoft Word document to delmar@nasworegon.org Articles must be accompanied by the author’s full name, highest degree and any licenses. An e-mail address for the author(s) must be provided for print with each article. Preference is given to NASW members and topics relevant to social work in the Northwest.
All articles are subject to space availability and approval by the editor, and will be considered based on the appropriateness of the content and whether it will be of broad interest to our members.
Enews coverage area
nwsocialworkers.com has targeted media marketing areas of the entire states of Idaho, Oregon and eastern & southwest Washington State. Links to new major content are distributed via the RSS feed (for subscribers) and posted on our Facebook pages.
Past issues of The Nexus can be found in the newsletter archive and are available here: https://naswor.socialworkers.org/News/Newsletter-Archive
Online publish dates:
Accepted articles and ads usually take 3 - 7 business days to appear.
Article submittal deadlines: There are no deadlines for submittals as the new site is dynamic and changing weekly.
Click here for display advertising rates or email advertising@nwsocialworkers.com