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NASW Membership Advantages

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Join NASW to advance in your career, to connect with colleagues, and to protect your practice—all while advocating for the social work profession and important ...

As a social worker, you face difficult challenges every day. You work hard to improve the lives of your clients and help them confront and resolve their personal dilemmas and cope with loss and change. You are a skilled professional who helps people help themselves by providing useful information and a wide range of resources available for those in need. This requires access to cutting-edge ideas, current information, and high-quality resources to be familiar with all of the available resources for your clients.

Your NASW membership entitles you to a wide variety of benefits and special offers that range from business services that save you time and money to publications and programs that can help advance your career.

NASW Opens Membership to Other Professionals

For the first time in the 55-year history of the NASW, exclusive member benefits, once offered only to degreed social workers, are now available to anyone with an interest in the profession, the people we serve or the issues we face. Case managers, guidance counselors, community health workers, mental health counselors, family counselors, group therapists, and educators are invited to join NASW. Professionals employed in any social service or related position are welcome.

Associate members have full access to the member-only section of the NASW Web site with countless resources, including practice briefs, standards for social work practice and the most current research from the Social Work Policy Institute.

Need a refresher on the many benefits of membership? Visit these links:

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National Ethics Committee; Committee on LGBT Issues; National Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity; National Committee on Women’s Issues; Personnel Policies Committee

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