Portland Area

Amaya, Angelica

Contact Information:
301 SE 141st Avenue, Portland, Oregon
Email: onehecka@gmail.com
Phone: (415) 596-9112
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $65

Supervision Type:

Medical Social Work, Solution focused, strength-based support around illnesses 

Anderson, Sandra

Contact Information:
14571 NW Larson Road, Portland, Oregon 97231
Email: sandersonphd@icloud.com
Phone: 503-297-1777
Days & Times: Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Rates: $100.00 hr

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Family systems

Anderson-Yeung, Mark

Contact Information:
3350 N. Interstate Avenue, Portland, OR 97227
Email: mayeung10@gmail.com
Phone: (510) 689-1739
Days & Times: I can meet in or near Portland. We can meet over
Skype/FaceTime, etc in accordance with Oregon
LCSW supervision guidelines.
Rates: $70 an hour

Supervision Type:

Feedback informed supervision to help prepare you for high-quality clinical practice using evidence based practice, including Trauma-Informed care, DBT and CBT. I also have additional specialty in Tele-psychotherapy and Cross Cultural psychology. Successful supervision of multiple social work associates. References available.

Arnold, Stephen

Contact Information:
6911 N. Albina Ave., Portland, OR 97217
Email: stephen@technical-counseling.com
Phone: 971-777-2748
Days & Times: MTWH 10-8
Rates: $75/hour

Supervision Type:

Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) Supervision, person centered, trauma informed, strengths based

Arredondo Rodriguez, Ph.D., LCSW, Rebecca

Contact Information:
8851 SW Blake Street, Tualatin, OR 97062
Email: rarredondoyazzie@gmail.com
Phone: (602) 402-3936
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $75

Supervision Type:

Developmental Model and Systems Approach. Takes a trauma informed approach to both understanding clients, self, work environment and oppression. BIPOC clinical supervisor with a desire to help new clinicians find their strengths and capacities through a developmental process.

Banasky, Douglas

Contact Information:
5200 SE 132nd Ave #5, Portland, OR 97236
Email: douglas.banasky@gmail.com
Phone: 503-422-8691
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $60/hour

Supervision Type:

From my 25 years’ experience in hospice, bereavement, home health and medical social work, clinical supervision is based on case review and mindfulness-based reflection, problem-solving and empowerment.

Bancroft, Stacy

Contact Information:
Portland, Oregon
Email: stacy.bancroft.lcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 349-0604
Days & Times: Evenings M-Th, some daytime availability Fridays
Rates: $100/hr

Supervision Type:

Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) Supervision, person centered, trauma informed, strengths based

Beanblossom, Alison

Contact Information:
3452 Ne Multnomah St., Portland, OR 97232
Email: alisonbeanblossom@gmail.com
Phone: (312) 209-1665
Days & Times: flexible
Rates: $60/hour for individual

Supervision Type:

My supervision is strength-based and draws on solution-focused therapy, mindfulness-based reflection, and collaborative problem-solving

Bennett, Blaire

Contact Information:
2801 NE Gantenbein Ave., Portland, Oregon 97227
Email: blaire_bennett@yahoo.com
Phone: (720) 508-9210
Hours: M/T/Th- 4:15-8pm S/Su- Case by Case
Rates: $70/hr with sliding scale available upon request

Supervision Type:

Solution Focused, Collaborative Problem Solving, CBT

Berkeley, Rachael

Contact Information:
2106 NE 40th, Portland, OR 97212
Email: rachaberk@hotmail.com
Phone: 503-309-2368
Days & Times: Weekdays
Rates: $100-$150

Supervision Type:

Psychodynamic, Children and Families

Blum, Michelle

Contact Information:
1110 SE Alder, Portland, OR 97214
Email: luckyjune@comcast.net
Phone: 503-939-0264
Days & Times: M-F
Rates: $80-$125

Supervision Type:

Strengths based, ecosystem approach and skill building in Mindfulness based CBT and medical/psychiatric models of care for adult clients.

Boers, Emily

Contact Information:
1110 SE Alder, Portland, OR 97214
Email: emily.boers@naphcare.com
Phone: (505) 206-2972
Days & Times: Evenings
Rates: $60.00

Supervision Type:


Byhardt Bollinger, MSW, Lydia

Contact Information:
2008 Willamette Falls Dr. Ste 200A, West Linn, OR 97068
Email:  lydia@rememberthejoy.com
Phone:  (971) 409-5613
Days & Times:  Group: 2-hour session once a month, time and day decided by group members; Individual: available weekdays, 8am-3pm
Rates:  $60/hour individual, Groups are 2 hours, $60/hour

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Orientation: Neuroscience focus, trauma-informed, focusing on case conceptualization, building a strong theoretical base and professional development of clinician.

Chamberlain, Russell

Contact Information:
P.O. Box 125, West Linn, OR 97068-0125
Email: lifestreamtherapy@gmail.com
Phone: 503-966-4602
Days & Times: M/T/W Mornings
Rates: $125

Supervision Type:

Polyvagal Theory/ Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

Chen, Fiona

Contact Information:
12555 SW 1st Street, Beaverton, OR 97005
Email: fiona@wisdomserenity.com
Phone: 971-325-2625
Days & Times: Flexible

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Relational, strengths based, CBT

Chinard, Marc

Contact Information:
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Email: mchinard@blueskyrecoveryassociates.com
Phone: 503-446-1477
Days & Times: Tuesday - Saturday.
Evening hours available Tuesdays and Wednesdays
Rates: $100/hour session

Supervision Type:


Clark, Katrina

Contact Information:
Website: katrinaclarklcsw.com
Email: katrina@beyondhealingjourney.com
Phone: (808) 342-4568
Days & Times: Mondays 5pm (online)
Rates: Individual $165, Group $65

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Integrative, holistic and trauma-informed: drawing from psychodynamic perspective, neuroscience, Internal Family Systems, Ego State, attachment theory, developmental psychology, feedback informed, strength-based and motivational interviewing.

Cosentino-Cathey, Mary

Contact Information:
11376 SE Linwood Ave., Milwaukie, Oregon 97222
Email: mary@lastingrootstherapy.com
Phone: (971) 533-0497
Days & Times: Flexible, telehealth/HIPPA compliant platform similar to Skype sessions.
Hours and days flexible to fit schedules
Rates: $90/hour

Supervision Type:

Motivational interviewing, mindfulness based approach. CBT, DBT and trauma informed care. Significant experience with grief and loss, trauma, and personality disorders

Culver, Amber

Contact Information:
1020 SW Taylor Street, Suite 660, Portland, OR 97205
Email: amberculvercounseling@gmail.com
Phone: (360) 823-8912
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $60/hour

Supervision Type:

Integrative/Eclectic: drawing from both process-based and psychotherapy-based approaches including psychodynamic, person-centered, cognitive-behavioral and developmental.

Davis, Kate

Contact Information:
Virtual and in-person sessions available. In person sessions held in Portland.
Email: katedavis@katedavismsw.com
Phone: 503-265-9390
Days & Times: varies
Rates: $75 individual, $50 group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Relational, psychodynamic, critical. At this time I am only taking CSWAs who are interested in psychodynamic work in any setting this includes agency settings. Integration of advocacy, social justice activism and collaboration with clients is emphasized.

Davis, Lily

Contact Information:
2034 Columbia Blvd. #507, Saint Helens, Oregon 97051
Website: l-davis.clientsecure.me
Email: info@lilydavis.org
Phone: 971-341-7542 
Days & Times: Weekdays and weekends, after hours available
Rates: $100

Supervision Type:

Systems oriented Trauma focused attachment based with Ego State Therapy, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing. Medical Social Work experience in Hospice, Palliative, Inpatient, Outpatient mental health, Emergency Services.

Davis, Naomi

Contact Information:
3807 NE 80th Street, Vancouver, WA 98665
Email: naomi.davis30@gmail.com
Phone: 360-892-9133
Days & Times: flexible, as scheduled
Rates: Individual, $75 per hour; Group, $30 per hour

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Ecological Systems Perspective, Strength Based Recovery Model, Solution Focused

Davis LCSW, Rebecca

Contact Information:
Beaverton, OR 97005
Email: gentlespiritllc@gmail.com
Days & Times: Weeknights and weekends
Rates: $70.00 per hour

Supervision Type:

Medical Social Work, Home Health and Hospice

Eaton-Bennette, Jan

Contact Information:
4449 NW Oxbridge Dr., Portland, Oregon 97229
Email: jeatonbennettelcsw@gmail.com
Phone: 503-577-2181
Days & Times: various times open, week days
Rates: $85/individual; $100/Group for a 2-hour session                               

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Systems, family, trauma informed, attachment, developmental

Ellis, Terry

Contact Information:
14355 SW Allen Blvd. Suite 150 & 230, Beaverton, OR 97005
Email: terrye@wolfpackcts.org
Phone: (971) 344-3844
Days & Times: days, evenings and weekends
Rates: Sliding scale

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Psychodynamic, humanistic, behavior therapy, cognitive behavioral, systems and family therapy

Friedman, Betty

Contact Information:
1525 NE Weidler St., Portland, Oregon 97229
Email: bettyfriedmanmsw@gmail.com
Phone: 503-525-1142
Days & Times: Monday - Thursday
Rates: $75

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Collaberative, Cognitive Behavioral, Motivational Interviewing, Addition/Recovery and Strength Based theories are some I am skilled at. I work with individuals and couples.

Garber, Bob

Contact Information:
14511 Westlake Dr., Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Email: bob@clearskycounseling.com
Phone: (503) 451-4770
Days & Times: Thursday and Friday between 2:00 and 5:00
Rates: $80.00

Supervision Type:

Mindfulness/Acceptace and Commitment Therapy; Integrative/eclectic; Training in: CBT, DBT, ACT, Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing, and Person-Centered. I have worked in clinics, in-patient units and in private practice.

Gerber, Erin

Contact Information:
4425 NE Glisan St., Portland, OR 97213
Email: eringerberlcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 449-2721
Days & Times: late afternoons/evenings weekdays, weekends available
Rates: $100 an hour

Supervision Type:

Strength Based, Psychodynamic, Family Systems, Solution Focused

Gioia, Samuel

Contact Information:
917 SW Oak, #217, Portland OR 97205
Email: gioia@pdx.edu
Phone: 503-359-1515
Days & Times: Online Supervision Available. Wednesdays, Saturdays, Evenings
Rates: $75 Individual; $40 Group

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Solution Focus, Culturally Responsive, Psychodynamic

Gould, Katrina

Contact Information:
8125 SE Pine St., Portland OR 97214
Email: katrina.gould.lcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 702-0877
Days & Times: TBD
Rates: $80 individual, $45 group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Body-based: training in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Hakomi, and yoga therapy. Specializations in trauma and grief/mourning, and also in couples therapy.

Gould, Kris

Contact Information:
8416 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97202
Email: krisgouldlcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 683-3617
Days & Times: variable
Rates: $60/hr

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Family systems/Humanistic/Jungian/Psychodynamic

greene, horizon

Contact Information:
Portland, Oregon 97232
Website: joyfulawakeningpractice.com
Email: joyfulawakening@gmail.com
Phone: 971-258-2971
Days & Times: evenings, weekends, online with quarterly in person sessions
Rates: $75.00

Supervision Type:

Trauma-Aware, Somatic & Anti-Oppressive. I request a letter of intention from folx who are interested in pursuing supervision with me. Details at: https://joyfulawakeningpractice.com/services/clinical-supervision/

Gunn, Angie

Contact Information:
5510 N Commercial Avenue, Portland OR 97217-2340
Email: angie@connectivetherapycollective.com
Phone: (414) 550-0257
Days & Times: flexible
Rates: $40/per person for group, $100 for individual

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Systems, IFS, Collaborative

Halprin, Brandy

Contact Information:
16110 SW Regatta Lane, Beaverton OR 97006
Email: brandy@newleafcounselingpdx.com
Phone: (971) 380-3476
Days & Times: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays
Rates: $75.00 per hour

Supervision Type:

Strengths based, Person Centered, Trauma-informed, Mindfulness. I have experience in healthcare, hospice, adult and older-adult mental health.

Hand, Steve

Contact Information:
811 NW 20th Ave Ste 101C, Portland, Or 97209
Email: steve@stevehandpsychotherapy.com
Phone: 503-590-7029
Office Hours: Typical office hours 9am-7pm Monday through Thursday, other days/times negotiable
Rates: $65

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group


Hanel, Mary

Contact Information:
Portland, Oregon 97206
Email: thehanels@comcast.net
Phone: (503) 231-1759
Days & Times: Mon-Friday after 4:00
Rates: $50 Ind. $40 Group

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Strength Based/ Trauma Informed

Hardaway, Michelle

Contact Information:
Portland, OR
Email: michelle.hardaway.lcsw@gmail.com
Days & Times: Flexible days/times available
Rates: Individual: $100/hour; Group: $50/hour - sliding scale available for BIPOC and LGBTQ2SIA+ individuals who are experiencing financial hardship

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

I have an equity-driven and social justice focused orientation in my practice and supervision. I have experience working in schools, mental health agencies and in the community. Check out my website for more information: www.collaborativevibe.org

Haynes, Julie

Contact Information:
2870 NE Hogan Drive, Suite E #522,  Gresham, OR 97030
Email: juliekids2001@gmail.com
Phone: (541) 870-7830
Days & Times: Flexible, some daytime slots, most days after 4:30pm
Rates: $45 group, $75/hr individual with sliding scale available upon request

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

CBT, ACT, client centered, strengths-based, specializing in children, teens, families and young adults, foster care and adoption, narrative, solution focused, collaborative, mindfulness based approach. CBT, DBT and trauma informed care, medical social work

Hernandez, MaryBeth

Contact Information:
1713 NE Penn Lane, Oregon City, OR 97045
Email: marybeth@childrenscenter.cc
Phone: (503) 655-7725
Days & Times: Preference for Mondays
Rates: $100 per hour

Supervision Type:

I practice from a client-centered and trauma-informed lens, utilizing CBT, TF-CBT, CPT, MI, mindfulness, play therapy, and sand tray therapy. I have extensive experience treating trauma, depression, and anxiety with children, adolescents, and adults. In supervision, I provide a calm and safe space where you can reflect on your work, gain confidence in your clinical approach, increase your understanding of yourself in relation to your work, and discuss clinical and ethical dimensions of mental health services.

Hopkins, Andrea

Contact Information:
Portland, OR 97202
Email: libellecounseling@gmail.com
Phone: 971-319-3166
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $50 individual, $25 group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Rogerian, solution focused, experiential, trauma informed, eclectic

Hutchins, Amy

Contact Information:
1700 NW Civic Drive, Suite 310, Gresham OR 97030
Email: amy.hutchins@lifestance.com
Phone: (971) 352-2055
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $75/hour

Supervision Type:

Provides feedback-informed clinical supervision. Practices from a client-centered and trauma-informed lens. CBT, TF-CBT,  ACT, MI, mindfulness, play therapy. Experience treating trauma, mood disorders, depression and anxiety. Works with adults and adolescents.

Johnson, Fayanna

Contact Information:
8383 NE Sandy Blvd, Suite 110B, Portland, Oregon 97220
Email: fayanna@anchorwithincounseling.com
Phone: 971-373-4085
Days & Times: Tues-Sat available
Rates: $60.00 individual

Supervision Type:

CBT, Trauma-Informed, DBT skills, attachment and development theories, Narrative, Person-Centered, Racial Identity, Religion (Christian/Catholic), Family Systems, MI

Kelsey, Colette

Contact Information:
Milwaukie, Oregon 97267
Email: colettekelsey@gmail.com
Phone: 503-351-0463
Days & Times: Negotiable, some evening or weekend hours available
Rates: $60.00 per session

Supervision Type:

My orientation is strengths-based, client-centered, trauma-informed and relationship based. Over 20 years experience in family preservation. Two years experience providing CSWA supervision.

Kiilsgaard, Jeffrey

Contact Information:
10260 SW Greenburg Rd 4th Floor
Portland, Oregon 97223
Email: humanistictherapynw@gmail.com
Phone: 253-370-8980
Days & Times: Monday - Saturday, 9am - 5pm
Rates: $100

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

DBT, CBT, Humanistic, Existential

Kim, Gemma

Contact Information:
16110 SW Regatta Lane, Beaverton, OR 97006
Email: gemmalcsw@gmail.com
Phone: 503-660-8722
Days & Times: Fridays

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

CBT, Collaborative, Solution focused, Healthcare, behavioral health

Klassen, Danielle

Contact Information:
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Email: danielle.lssw@gmail.com
Days & Times: Wednesdays, Fridays, or after 4pm on other weekdays
Rates: $70/hr individual, $50/hr group

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Strengths-based approaching keeping in mind the ecological systems we are interacting with. I have training in CBT, DBT, ACT, FACT, and Mindfulness. My experience is in community mental health, school-based social work, and working in health care systems.

Krueger-Toscher, Jordana

Contact Information:
320 N Main Ave. Suite 201C, Gresham, OR 97030
Email: jkruegertoscherlcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 701-3611
Days & Times: Various times, evenings, Skype and Face Time sessions available!
Rates: $100/hour, sliding scale

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

CBT, client centered, strengths-based, specializing in children, teens, families and young adults, foster care, clients identifying as LGBTQ or living with autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, school social work

Laguzza, Joan

Contact Information:
15110 Boones Ferry Road, Suite 300E, Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Email: joan@joiepdx.com
Phone: (571) 278-2063
Days & Times: M-F In person/Virtual
Rates: $125/individual; $50/group - sliding scale available

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Theoretical bases using social construction, feminist, cognitive behavior, humanist, strengths based, narrative, and trauma informed. Please see my website for more info: joiepdx.com

Leonard, Ann

Contact Information:
32250 NW Flanders St., Suite 105, Portland, OR 97210
Email: aleonardmsw@gmail.com
Phone: 503-333-9364
Days & Times: Fridays in person, flexible days/times for FaceTime/Skype
Rates: $60

Supervision Type:

Strengths-based, Trauma informed

Linnman, Jennifer

Contact Information:
1962 NW Kearney St., Suite 106, Portland, Oregon 97209
Email: drlinnman@jenniferlinnman.com
Phone: 503-490-1364
Days & Times: By appointment
Rates: $125/hour individual; $75/two-hour group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Attachment, interpersonal Nierobiology, psychodynamic, systems and trauma informed

Long, Sarah

Contact Information:
1823 SW Market Street, Unit 4, Portland OR 97201
Email: yogisarahlong@gmail.com
Phone: 315-317-0453
Days & Times: Saturdays
Rates: $80 an hour

Supervision Type:

Developmental Model

Lovrien, Kathy

Contact Information:
4803 NE Going Street, Portland, OR 97218
Email: kathylovrien@gmail.com
Phone: 503 317-2952
Days & Times: to be arranged
Rates: $60 individual/$35 group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Focus on the client-therapist relationship as the vehicle for change, at both the conscious and unconscious levels. Particular expertise in the effects of trauma, including DV; addictions; and community based practice.

Martin, Erica

Contact Information:
10260 SW Greenburg Rd, Tigard, 4th floor, Portland Oregon 97223
Email: ericamartintlcsw2022@gmail.com
Phone: (209) 623-8595
Days & Times: Monday - Friday after 5pm
Rates: $100/hr

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Orientation: Holistic, Strengths-Based, Solution-Focused, Person-Centered, Systems Based, Trauma based and Collaborative Problem Solving approaches. Extensive experience in the medical field with specialization in complex care, LBGTQ issues, gender dyspho

Matthews, Holly

Contact Information:
7409 SW Capitol Hwy, Suite 201, Portland, Oregon 97219
Email: holly@hollymatthewspdx.com
Phone: 503-406-8064
Days & Times: Group Supervision Tuesday evenings 6pm
Rates: $70/hr Individual, $35/hr Group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Eclectic, light-hearted, collaborative, justice-oriented supervision. My specialty in private practice is helping adults heal from trauma. I have extensive training in EMDR, DBT, and mindfulness-based approaches.

Miller, Clark

Contact Information:
Email: jclarkmiller@outlook.com
Phone: 541-377-1631
Dates & Times: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays AM
Rates: $100 per 1-hour session

Supervision Type:

Social Work core values and standards; ethical and clinical competence; all ages; integrated substance use/MH.

O’Connell, Alycia

Contact Information:
16469 SE Jasper Drive, Damascus, OR 97089
Email: alycia_oconnell@outlook.com
Phone: (503) 933-6274
Days & Times:  Weekdays 10am-8pm
Rates: $45/hr: group; $135/hour 1:1

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Relationship and Strength based, CBT, IFS, Mindfulness, Somatic, EMDR, EFT, Resiliency

Partak, Deah

Contact Information:
1923 NE Broadway Street, Suite 5, Portland OR 97232
Email: deah@imaginelifecounseling.com
Phone: 503-701-2294
Days & Times: Mon-Fri, 7am-2pm
Rates: $120

Supervision Type:

Bernard’s Model of Supervision; Therapy Orientation: Humanistic, Solutions/Values-Focused, Motivational Interviewing.

Pearson, Laurie

Contact Information:
3954 N. Williams Avenue, Portland, OR 97227
Email: lauriepearsonlcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (404) 862-6763
Days & Times: Flexible
Rates: $60.00

Supervision Type:

psychodynamic, strength-based, cognitive-behavioral, and systems theories

Pease Banitt, Susan

Contact Information:
7601 SW Brier Place, Portland, OR 97219
Email: info@suepeasebanitt.com
Phone: 503-869-0314
Days & Times: M, T, Th
Rates: $100-$150

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Trauma, Psychodynamic & all the things

Pullin, Douglas

Contact Information:
19 SW Gibbs Street, Portland, Oregon 97239
Email: douglas@douglaspullin.com
Phone: 503-293-4177
Days & Times: Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
Rates: $80 individual, $40 group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Attachment theory, Acceptance and Commitment, Mindfulness, Developmental, Family Systems, Narrative

Radecki, Kara

Contact Information:
Hillsboro, OR 971234140 SW Hillsboro Hwy
Email: kara@ancoratherapy.com
Phone: 971-238-4408
Days & Times: M-F, with limited evening and weekend availability
Rates: $90 for individual, $50 for group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Modalities: EFT, DBT, SFT, CBT, ACT. We do differential diagnoses and case staffing each supervision.

Sant, David

Contact Information:
15788 SE Reese Court, Portland, OR 97267
Email: dwsant84@gmail.com
Phone: (208) 859-3539
Days & Times: Negotiable
Rates: $60 for Individual, $30 for Group

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Anti-Oppressive Practice, Community Outreach and Engagement, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Stacey, Helen

Contact Information:
Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, 1015 NW 22nd Ave, Portland, OR 97215
Email: hstacey@lhs.org
Phone: (503) 413-7732
Days & Times: negotiable
Rates: $70; sliding scale available

Supervision Type:

Orientation: Eclectic, Healthcare, Chronic Ilness, SW in Host Setting, End of Life, Family Systems; Narrative, crisis, solution-focused, trauma informed, client centered

Thompson, Anne

Contact Information:
NE Portland, Oregon 97212
Email: athompsonlcsw@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 913-2423
Days & Times: Tuesday, Friday, evenings, weekends
Rates: $60/hour

Supervision Type:

I provide flexible and supportive supervision that includes caring for the developing clinician. Systems focus, psychodynamically informed, strengths based, trauma focus, attachment, CBT

Walsh, Bart

Contact Information:
1306 SW Bertha Blvd, Portland, OR 97219
Email: bartwalsh5@gmail.com
Phone: (503) 293-1811
Days & Times: Tuesday, Friday
Rates: $40 group/ $65 individual

Supervision Type:
Individual and Group

Systems (external and internal), Psychodynamic (utilizing essential neurobiological communication), strengths based with solution focus

Waterman, Blaire

Contact Information:
2801 N Gantenbien Ave. Portland, OR 97220
Email: blaire_waterman@yahoo.com
Phone: 971-401-9376
Days & Times: Variable
Rates: $70 per hour for individual, $50 for group. Sliding scale available.

Supervision Type:
Individual, Group

Orientation: Solution focused, patient centered, DBT, CBT

Watters, Jenny

Contact Information:
10424 SE Cherry Blossom Drive, Suite F, Portland , OR 97216
Email: jwatterslcsw@gmail.com
Phone: 503-309-4738
Days & Times: weekdays, evenings (negotiable)
Rates: sliding scale ($50-$70)

Supervision Type:

Supervision Model: Focus on therapeutic issues and techniques; professional developmental; ethics and values. Supportive and flexible supervision style to foster professional growth.

Zwiebel, Helen

Contact Information:
12617 SE Division Street, Unit A, Portland, OR 97236
Email: helen.zwiebel2@gmail.com
Phone: 515-313-3072
Website: helenzwiebel.com
Days & Times: Fridays and Saturdays
Rates: $60.00

Supervision Type:

Reflective and Feedback Informed