
Now offering
Homepage Choice Web Advertising Space
$250 per month nonprofit/ $350 profit rate

Job Posting

To Post a Job: Email your employment ad information along with your billing information to:

100 words or less. May contain hyperlinks.
Cost for 60 days: $60 or $100 if you also want posted on the regional website
Payment can be mailed to NASW Oregon, 2929 SW Multnomah Blvd, Suite 305, Portland, OR 97219

NASW members receive a 10% discount on all advertising rates.

If you have questions, please call (503) 452-8420.

Contact for more details.

Publication of advertisement does not constitute an endorsement or approval of any product or service advertised, or any point of view, standard, or opinion presented therein. NASW Oregon Chapter is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement appearing in its publications. Advertising is subject to the publisher’s approval. NASW reserves the right to reject advertisements for any reason at any time. NASW is not liable for any alleged loss or damages if an advertisement is omitted for any reason. Placement of ads will be at NASW’s discretion. The placement of an advertising order constitutes an acceptance of all the rates and conditions under which advertising is sold at that time.